Lydia Alcock
Member Spotlight: The Arc Baltimore
The Arc Baltimore has been a member of Maryland Nonprofits since our founding 30 years ago! We wanted to take a moment to celebrate the amazing work that they’ve been doing in Baltimore. Since 1949, The Arc Baltimore has been supporting people with...
Madelín Martínez – Trabajadora Comunitaria de salud de MALVEC
A medida que avanzamos a través de la pandemia de COVID-19, más vidas siguen afectadas. Sí hemos logrado grandes avances como país para desarrollar y enviar vacunas, pero ese recurso no está disponible para todos – específicamente para los inmigrantes latinos....
Madelín Martínez – MALVEC Community Health Worker
As we progress through the COVID-19 pandemic, more lives continue to be affected. Yes, we have made major advancements as a country to get vaccines developed and sent out, but that resource is not available to anyone. More specifically, Latino immigrants. That is...
Fresh Starts for 2022, Jumping into a New Year!
With a new year comes many new changes and exciting updates for the Maryland Association of Resources for Families and Youth (MARFY). January 12, 2022 brought in Maryland’s 444th General Assembly and I am excited to be working with our members and other key...
Maryland Nonprofits launches ‘This is the moment to care’ campaign
To commemorate its 30th year, Maryland Nonprofits is launching the anniversary campaign, ‘This is the moment to care.’ This initiative will address the urgent need for a shift towards an internal culture of care within the nonprofit sector.
Jhoselyn Rodriguez – Trabajadora Comunitaria de Salud de MALVEC
La Coalición por la Equidad en Vacunas de Latinx del Atlántico Medio, o (MALVEC), tiene una misión. Esa misión es conseguir que todos los latinos de Maryland se vacunen contra el COVID-19. Para lograr este objetivo nos hemos enfocado en compartir información precisa a...
Jhoselyn Rodriguez – MALVEC Community Health Worker
The Mid-Atlantic Latinx Vaccine Equity Coalition, or (MALVEC), has a mission. That mission is to get all Latinos in Maryland the COVID-19 vaccine. Our efforts to accomplish this goal have been done through sharing accurate information via social media platforms....
Prioridades legislativas de las comunidades latinas y de inmigrantes para 2022
Los eventos de 2020-2021 exacerbaron e hicieron más dramáticos los desafíos en materia de políticas públicas con los que Maryland continúa lidiando en 2022.
Latino and immigrant communities policy priorities for 2022
Events of 2020-2021 dramatized and exacerbated the issues and policy challenges that Maryland continues to face in 2022.
Walking the Path Toward Race Equity in Garrett County
In July of 2020, our General Counsel, Paddy Morton, was driving to Deep Creek Lake for a family vacation when she saw a human lynching effigy. Trigger warning: Distressing image Horrified, she contacted the authorities who indicated the effigy had been hanging on that...