Lydia Alcock
Policy Updates: Paycheck Protection Program & Unemployment Costs for Reimbursing Nonprofits
Policy Updates on the Paycheck Protection Program & Unemployment Costs for Reimbursing Nonprofits.
Board Members: We Need You Now More Than Ever Before
We are living in unprecedented and uncertain times. For many of us, the normal cycle of work and life has been turned completely upside down. Nonprofits of all sizes are wrestling with more challenging and difficult decisions than they ever have before. To weather the...
Purchasing During COVID-19 Times
In these times, when we’re all in the midst of the pandemic, the purchasing needs have likely changed dramatically for a lot of nonprofits. Nonprofits are making heroic efforts to secure the items they need to have on hand to keep their staff, volunteers, and the people they serve safe. Strong purchasing policies can provide some important insight for our organizations.
Check in with your board — Update their profiles
Check in with your board—update their profiles Since the Standards for Excellence program’s inception, nonprofits have received advice about how to run their board meetings, recruit new members, and avoid conflicts of interest, just to name a few of the ways we seek...
Data Security
This is part of a special series, brought to you by the Standards for Excellence Institute, to provide nonprofit leaders with a brief nonprofit governance and management tip weekly over the course of 2020. We hope these short tips will be helpful to you and the...
Problematic DOL Guidance on Nonprofit Unemployment . . . and How to Fix It
This blog post was written by David Heinen, Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy for North Carolina Center for Nonprofits and originally published on their website. We would like to express our appreciation to David for writing an excellent piece, and...
My Internship Experience – A blog post by Colin Fedor
We are so grateful for the many interns and volunteers who have dedicated their time to working with us. One of them, Colin Fedor, wrote about his experience at Maryland Nonprofits this past semester. To Colin and the rest of our interns - thank you. The work we do is always made better because of you.
Understanding Budgeting in Uncertain Times
Guest post by Justin Pollock, principal and founder of Orgforward and a Standards for Excellence Institute Licensed Consultant. This blog is cross-posted. YIKES! It’s Budget Time! You are all doing incredible work, finding ways to continue to provide...
Moving Ahead with Board Orientation
In this time when we are all struggling with so many issues related to the pandemic, some of the more “regular” issues (tasks that we typically address annually as part of the regular flow of business) also surface as unexpected challenges. We know that for many...
#SafeReopen AND #HealthyTogether
We all want our economy to open to its full capacity and to have our communities be healthy and prosperous now and in the future. Safely reopening is dependent upon all of us working together to achieve the public health measures that will enable our society...