Lydia Alcock
An Analysis of CARES Act “Above the Line” Charitable Deduction
The “Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security” (or “CARES”) Act established what’s called an “above the line” charitable deduction of $300 to stimulate charitable giving in response to the pandemic. As you are considering your charitable giving this year and how...
Maryland Nonprofits’ Carmen Marshall weighs in on Nonprofit Equity Action Plans – The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Maryland Nonprofits Consulting Director, Carmen Marshall, has been quoted in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, regarding work with nonprofits on equity action plans! The excerpt of the article in which Carmen has been quoted can be found below, and the full article can...
52 Tips in 52 Weeks: Public Trust in the Charitable Sector
If you follow this blog, you may have read my post from a few weeks ago about the rising levels of public trust in America’s nonprofit sector. I cited a recent study conducted by Luth Research, and the Nonprofit Institute at the University of San Diego’s School of...
52 Tips in 52 Weeks: Professional Development
So much of our experiences in the last few months have been out of the ordinary. So many intense, long work-days with short turn-around projects, presentations, and meetings—working diligently to meet the needs and challenges before us. One of the things that strikes...
52 Tips in 52 Weeks: Navigating Whistleblower Policies
I read with interest a recent article from the Philadelphia Inquirer entitled “Philadelphia Mulls Protections for COVID-19 Workplace Whistleblowers.” (June 11, 2020 by Karen Kahn). The story discusses a bill that the Philadelphia City Council is considering which...
State Resources on Maryland’s Reopening
As our communities continue to meet benchmarks required for reopening, such as declining COVID-19-related hospitalization rates and a decrease in COVID-19 deaths, Maryland State is following the Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery plan. Local jurisdictions are...
George Floyd: Don’t Look Away (Part Two)
Many of our organizations are making statements regarding George Floyd’s murder. Pushback on our statements is inevitable as our entire society enters into a new level of dialogue about systemic racism. Here's how we replied to pushback about a recent article.
52 Tips in 52 Weeks Blog: Building Public Trust
Like you, we follow the headlines. Of course, the headlines have been dominated the last few months with news and updates about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our communities, country and world. We’ve been keeping up with the infection rates, the numbers of...
Maryland Nonprofits Closed in Observation of Juneteenth
The Maryland Nonprofits office will be closed on Friday, June 19, 2020, in observation of Juneteenth. The Juneteenth holiday celebrates the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. On June 19, 1865 – two and a half years after Abraham Lincoln...
Important News on Federal Financial Assistance – Aid to Larger Nonprofits
Finally, there is now progress in getting financial assistance for larger nonprofits. The Federal Reserve has proposed extending its Main Street lending program to 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19) nonprofits. The Main Street program proposal targets small and medium-sized...