Lydia Alcock

Disabilities, Behavioral Health and Substance Use Providers Face Budget Woes

By Sawida Kamara, Staff Consultant, Maryland Nonprofits This post is the second in a series focused on highlights from the 2015 Legislative Preview. View the previous post here. Legislative priorities for service providers were presented by representatives from the...

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Quality of Life: Collaborating for a Better Future

By Heather Iliff, President & CEO, Maryland Nonprofits Everyone wants to have a good quality of life. Nearly universally, people value having a place to call home, being gainfully employed, having access to healthy food, having clean air to breathe and clean...

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Maryland Nonprofits’ 2015 Legislative Priorities

By Heather Iliff, President & CEO, Maryland Nonprofits Maryland Nonprofits hosted a Legislative Preview on January 12, 2015 that brought together 100 nonprofit leaders from across the state. Each week, we will include a recap from the Preview… Learn more...

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Support the Tobacco Tax Increase

By Henry Bogdan, Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, Maryland Nonprofits Learn more about Maryland Nonprofits’ 2015 Policy Positions>> Learn more about Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative>> Communicate your support with members of...

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New Poll Shows Strong Support for Tobacco Tax Increase

By Henry Bogdan, Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, Maryland Nonprofits Healthy Maryland Initiative Poll Press Release>> Maryland Voter Poll on Proposed Tobacco Tax Increase>> Maryland Nonprofits has joined with the Maryland Citizens Health...

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Congratulations To Our Latest Standards for Excellence Accredited Organizations!

By Susan Larsen, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Standards for Excellence Institute Read the original blog here. Check out new accredited organizations and more resources on Standards for Excellence’s blog. The Standards for Excellence Institute would...

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Don’t Be Afraid to Brag!

Maryland Nonprofits Members, we want to feature YOUR ORGANIZATION on the homepage of our website!  Please send the items below, or download the form, in an email to Allison Albert...

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Presidents’ Day Public Policy Highlights

Happy Presidents’ Day! Get the latest updates on Maryland Nonprofits’ Advocacy and Public Policy initiatives…   To assist our members in communicating with the General Assembly, Maryland Nonprofits has updated General Assembly Contact...

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Public Information Act Passes!

Reforms to Maryland’s Public Information Act have officially passed enrolled. Thank you to everyone who acted on our alerts and helped support the reform. Learn more about the Public Information Act on the  Marylanders for Open Government...

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Volunteers Needed!

Looking for volunteer opportunities? Come join Maryland Nonprofits as a volunteer. Contact Darryus Johnson, Membership Manager, at 

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