Susana Hernandez Martin
Communicating in a Time of Crisis
Implementing a crisis communications plan is an essential part of a nonprofit’s disaster preparedness efforts. In the event of a crisis, a nonprofit must be able to communicate with all stakeholders with confidence, speed, and accuracy.
Operating at Home: Proper Controls during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This has been an exceedingly stressful time for people, a time of uncertainty and mixed messages and having to adapt to a new style of operations. For some, this pandemic has meant that operations have ceased; but, for many, your programs continue.
Ethical Giving in a Pandemic: Give Now, Give Generously, Give without Strings from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Ethical giving in a pandemic looks different than in normal times.
Medical Training & Supplies to Citizens as an Emergency Response
The following is a letter sent to to Congressman Sarbanes, President Trump, and Governor Hogan by Shawnta Jackson. Shawnta Jackson is Founder & Chief Executive of Cause Engagement Associates where she supports the efforts of socially conscious initiatives across...
Remote Board Meetings in the Midst of COVID-19 and Beyond
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published interim guidance for businesses and employers to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by managing risks of potential exposure. One measure the CDC is recommending is social distancing, however, nonprofit boards must continue to govern, and meetings may be even more critical for direct service providers during these difficult times.
Analysis of S. 748 by the National Council of Nonprofits
This quick analysis of S. 748 – the Corona Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was prepared by the National Council of Nonprofits. Maryland Nonprofits and its members support NCN and make this assistance possible.
Updated Standards for Excellence Packet on Personnel
We are pleased to report that we have just released the latest update to the Standards for Excellence Packet #8-Personnel Policies, Employee Orientation, Compensation, and Evaluation (includes the 2020 Maryland Nonprofits Model Employee Handbook, available in word...
Navigating Remote Work
We share our sincere wishes for your continued good health and patience as we all navigate these challenging and uncertain times.
What Should My Social Media Policy Look Like?
In this market, the use of social media to further yourself and your group is almost a necessity. How you use social media – whether as an extension of your website, with general news and announcements, or as a personal face for your work – is ultimately up to your organization; but, remember – using social media can change how the public interacts with you.
What Your Nonprofit Can Do Now to Reduce Risks Relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Coronavirus headlines are alarming. Many communities will be affected even if the spread of the virus remains contained. Beyond handwashing and other competent advice you’ve read over the last weeks that may help prevent the spread of illness, what steps should you take now to protect your staff and the people who depend on your services? This post will answer that question.