Nonprofit Learning Library

Find helpful documents and reference materials on a range of topics that are critical to operating, leading, and evaluating a healthy nonprofit organization. Included are the Standards for Excellence educational resource packets, Board Member Quick Tips, checklist on How to Start a Nonprofit, and much more. Browse by category to see all that’s available! For a summary of our resources, download our Annotated Ed Packet and Board Room Quick Tips overviews.  Download Resource.

MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Succession planning can not only ensure continuity and reliability during transitions of leadership at board, executive, and key staff levels, but also can strengthen an organization’s current operations and structure. This educational resource packet provides an overview of the types of succession planning, the importance of leadership development, key elements of succession […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Developing a board of committed individuals who believe in and are willing to work hard to help you achieve your mission is one of the critical keys to success for nonprofit organizations. This in-depth packet outlines who should and shouldn’t sit on the board and, how to develop a strong, independent, and […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Sustainability focuses on determining the right strategy for continuing to offer a program or service once seed funding has been exhausted. This packet shares a broad view on sustainability and sustainability planning, as well as how to work toward a more sustainable organization. Attached at the end of this packet you will […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Volunteers are vital to the operations and service delivery of many nonprofits. Before starting a new volunteer program, you’ll want to consider what kind of volunteers you’re looking for, what policies you want in place, how to incorporate volunteers into your organization, and how to hire, train, and motivate new volunteers. Attached […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT Every nonprofit needs to be concerned with financial planning and monitoring. One of the most important responsibilities of the board is the oversight of the financial health or the organization. A finance committee, focused on financial inflows and expenses, can be a helpful tool to comprehensively disseminate financial info to the board. […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT Organizations must provide employees, board members, and volunteers a confidential means to report suspected impropriety or misuse of organizational resources. Allowing for and protecting systems that serve to expose misconduct and improprieties and encourage correcting such situations in nonprofits are vital to the health and well-being of charitable nonprofits. Nonprofits should have […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT Nonprofits should have written financial policies that are adequate for the size and complexity of the organization. These policies should address investment of the assets of the organization, internal controls, purchasing, and unrestricted current net assets. Such policies should be adopted by the board of directors who are ultimately responsible for the […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT A code of ethics is a statement of how to put your values into practice. Nonprofits develop codes of ethics and ethics programs as a means of upholding high standards, and to share their vision and values internally and externally. This educational packet will walk you through the 8 steps involved in […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE It is important that nonprofit organizations are able to control their fundraising costs to devote a substantial portion of their resources to achieving their missions. Public confidence in an organization – and the nonprofit sector as a whole – can diminish when large amounts of money are spent on fundraising and little […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Many different types of entities and individuals solicit charitable contributions on behalf of nonprofit organizations. In some cases, nonprofits employ outside fundraising consultants, such as professional solicitors and fundraising counsels. Regardless of the level of involvement by outside fundraisers, it is vital for nonprofits to control, monitor, and train those requesting contributions […]

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