Nonprofit Learning Library

Find helpful documents and reference materials on a range of topics that are critical to operating, leading, and evaluating a healthy nonprofit organization. Included are the Standards for Excellence educational resource packets, Board Member Quick Tips, checklist on How to Start a Nonprofit, and much more. Browse by category to see all that’s available! For a summary of our resources, download our Annotated Ed Packet and Board Room Quick Tips overviews.  Download Resource.

MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT Nonprofits serve a wide range of individuals, populations, and communities, all with unique characteristics and backgrounds. In all cases, individuals served should be treated with respect in a manner that is free from exploitation. Nonprofits should have policies in place that protect the confidentiality of personal information and have grievance procedures in […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Risk management is the practice of continual identification of and response to analysis of current and potential risks. Organizations should make every effort to manage risk and periodically assess the need for insurance coverage in light of the organization’s activities and its financial capacity. This educational resource packet addresses the roles of […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT A conflict of interest exists when a board member, officer, or management employee has a personal interest that is in conflict with the interests of the organization, such that he or she may be influenced by this personal interest when making a decision for the organization. Nonprofits should have a written conflict […]

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Helps establish an orderly process for groups to debate and decide issues using the principle of majority rule while respecting the rights of the minority.

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A recent news story on an investigation showed that 15,000 US nonprofits have filed 990 forms showing no fundraising costs, despite extensive funds raised. We offer the legal and financial importance of submitting accurate 990 forms.

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Establishing your own nonprofit can be a daunting task. We have provided a checklist to offer guidance for each step of the process.

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT A nonprofit should have written administrative policies that are periodically reviewed and approved by the board. This packet focuses on the importance of developing and abiding by strong administrative policies, specifically crisis and disaster planning, information technology, communications, and social media. Attached at the end of this packet you will find the […]

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This overview lists what topics and attachments are found in each Standards for Excellence Educational Resource Packet. The Resources listed are available to members only.

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