At a press conference in Baltimore today, Heather Iliff, Executive Director of Maryland Nonprofits, announced that over 200 nonprofit organizations and leaders are joining to call on the state to devote at least $1 billion of the $4 billion projected budget surplus to services for families and communities affected by the Covid pandemic and its economic effects.
The Maryland Nonprofits Board of Directors elected six new members at its October 29, 2021 meeting. Joining the board for three year terms beginning January 1, 2022 are Chloe Bernardi, LCSW, LCSW-C, President & CEO of Hearts & Homes for Youth, Dirk A. Butler, President and COO of the Center for Policing Equity, The Honorable David Harrington, President of the Prince George’s Chamber of Commerce, Will Pass, Chief Financial & Operating Officer at Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc., Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of ACLU Maryland and Duane Yoder, President of Garrett County Community Action.
Maryland Nonprofits exists to serve the nonprofit community. On this Giving Tuesday, we are taking a moment to reflect on the infinite reasons we are grateful that nonprofits in Maryland do what they do and are here for it, every day.
Maryland Nonprofits has prepared a letter on how the state’s surplus should be allocated to the diverse communities we serve and in partnership with the nonprofit sector. Maryland Nonprofits advocates that this targeted relief include extending services and benefits that address the human service needs of individual Marylanders, families and communities that have been most burdened by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences, in addition to direct cash stimulus payments.
By Henry Bogden, Public Policy Director, Maryland Nonprofits Charitable giving through donor advised funds (“DAFs”) is on the rise in America, accounting for an increasing share of all charitable giving. Community foundations across the country pioneered donor advised funds as a way to engage donors in supporting local charities over the long-term. United Ways and […]
By Neil Bergsman, Senior Policy Analyst, Maryland Nonprofits Andrew Schaufele, the State’s chief revenue estimator, just presented the most upbeat briefing I have ever heard from a reputable economist. The close-out results of the fiscal year that ended in June, plus new revenue estimates for the current and upcoming years add up to $4 billion […]
The Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations (Maryland Nonprofits) is one of the largest and most successful state associations of nonprofits with over 1,200+ organizational members and 20 staff to serve them. Maryland Nonprofits mission is to strengthen organizations and networks for greater quality of life and equity. Maryland Nonprofits is the primary resource for […]
With so many efforts emerging to support the creation of inclusive workspaces, it can be hard to determine where to begin. The reality is that organizations are in many different places on their journey, and this can leave individuals wondering what is my work to do in this moment. To that end, when was the last time you asked yourself, “In what ways have I worked to make my organization, department, or team more inclusive?”