An Undergraduate’s Experience at the 2019 Legislative Preview

As an undergraduate student at Johns Hopkins, I am still new to the world of nonprofits, and the Legislative Preview was very eye-opening to me. I enjoyed hearing about the various policy issues brought up by the speakers, including the Kirwan Commission’s educational reforms presented by Mr. William E. Kirwan himself, and the campaign to prevent drug price gouging as explained by Mr. Vincent DeMarco, President of the Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative. These speakers are directly involved in crafting and advocating for the solutions that they presented on, and it was a privilege to hear their insider perspectives.
Another part of the Legislative Preview that I loved was getting to meet the other attendees, who represented nonprofits addressing everything from education to environmental health to homelessness. The people I talked to were more than happy to share about what they do, and I learned a great deal about what day to day work at nonprofits looks like. Through this event, I gained a deeper appreciation for what nonprofits do for Maryland, by serving vulnerable populations and campaigning for better policies. As a student considering a career in the nonprofit sector, I am glad that I was able to attend this event and learn more about nonprofits.
Angela Zhu is a Junior at Johns Hopkins University studying Public Health and minoring in Visual Arts and Social Policy. She hopes to pursue a Master of Sciences in Public Health (MSPH) in the field of Health Policy after graduation. Angela is a member of the Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Excellence Leadership Institute (NELI). NELI members gain access to Maryland Nonprofits resources and events. To learn more about NELI, contact the Johns Hopkins University Career Center.