Customized Training
Whether it’s guidance to help your board feel ready to fundraise, or a practical, step-by-step approach to strategic planning, your organization has unique and specific training needs. Our consultants can help you design custom, live, or virtual training courses that equip your board, staff, and stakeholders with the most up-to-date practices and information.
- Cost-effective: Our established training curriculum brings high-quality, tried-and-true training to your organization. Check out the course options below!
- Tailored to Your Needs: We can customize a unique training for your board, staff, or volunteers! We have proven success facilitation on a full range of topics ranging from innovative board member recruitment, to strategic planning, to evaluation strategies, and more.
- At Your Location: On-site training at your organization or wherever you need it.
- For Your Gathering: Many of our established training programs can be adapted for your convention, annual meeting, or conference. Or, we can create something that meets your unique needs.
- On Your Schedule: You pick the time and date!
- Approved by 100% of Clients: You read that right – 100% of clients report that they were satisfied with the training they received.