Responding to Attacks on our Values

The language and tone of recent statements from the White House both display and incite views reminiscent of the darkest xenophobic and racist periods in our history. We believe policy actions such as denying entry to targeted nationalities, refusing acceptance of asylum applications, separating families and holding people under inhumane conditions, threatening and in some cases undertaking raids in communities all over the country including Baltimore, efforts to include a census ‘citizenship’ question, and draconian budget proposals for critical human services are contrary to the values that underpin our democracy.
Diversity and equity are values that strengthen the United States of America.
We celebrate the many nonprofits that speak out publicly and take actions to re-affirm and defend these values. Most nonprofits, including Maryland Nonprofits, have statements of values upholding diversity and inclusion, even if we are not experts in immigration or racial justice ourselves. Some actions we can take include:
- Supporting or joining those working to protect the rights of those seeking refuge.
- Helping to oppose and prevent intimidation or harassment of any ethnic, racial, immigrant, or any other group such as LGBTQ+ or others targeted due to their identity.
- Being part of counting everyone in the Census.
- Strengthening our own awareness, knowledge, and practice around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- And, as federal news and attention shifts to debt ceilings and budget caps, urging Congress to protect these values, and to assure that recently approved emergency aid is actually used for those suffering at our border.
The following are organizations we know are doing work in those areas in Maryland. Consider supporting them or sharing them throughout your networks. If your organization or others should be included on this list, please reach out so we can add them.
- Associated Black Charities
- Baltimore Racial Justice Action
- CAIR Coalition
- Casa de Maryland
- Free State Justice
- International Social Service USA
- Kids in Need of Defense
- Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
- Maryland ACLU
- Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education
- Sanctuary DMV
- Sanctuary Streets Baltimore
- SURJ Baltimore
- United We Dream
Updated July 18th, 2019