Commemorating Disability Employment Awareness Month and our New Nonprofit Member: Izzie

October 16, 2024

By Gary C. Norman, Esq. L.L.M., Lawyer, Consultant, and Adjunct Law Professor

There are many methods for encouraging diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Some of the methods are legally binding, others are quasi legal approaches, such as codes of conduct or guidelines or such as simple commemorations. During October, Americans commemorate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). During various remarks in October, I will spotlight that, according to data, one in four Americans has an identifiable disability, necessitating that nonprofits understand how to meet the needs of this stakeholder population.

The theme for the 2024 NDEAM is “Access to Good Jobs for All.”

Collaborating with guide dogs has been a core element of my personal and professional identity and has been a value-added form of diversity I provide to clients. My new guide dog partner, Izzie, is an example of a service animal. Blind or visually impaired people obtain guide dogs through nonprofit guide dog schools. I matched with Izzie through Guiding Eyes for the Blind, “graduating” the in-residence portion of my training during the middle of March 2024.

The individuals and families who foster young puppies are key elements of the social acclamation and overall evolution of a dog who would become a guide dog. Izzie is clearly my special dog partner, as she is energetic and enjoys new situations. During November, Izzie and I will attend the 2024 cohort of the Standards of Excellence Licensed Consultant program.

A non-exhaustive list of ways in which non-profits could achieve positive progress on disability inclusion include:

  • Ensure that websites and mobile applications are accessible but also usable consistent with applicable best practice guidelines and legal obligations.
  • Actively recruit qualified people with disabilities to Boards or to full-time positions.

In conclusion, Izzie and I look forward to “seeing” you soon, advancing a collaborative conversation on the accessibility of non-profits.