Education Funding & the Kirwan Commission

About Education Funding
Adequate and sustainable, long-term education funding will not only be a vital issue during the 2020 General Assembly, but is vital to the success of our community. This impacts in some shape or form the work of all nonprofits. The General Assembly recently passed a bill, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, to contribute $1.1 billion in public school funding over the next three years. Though this is a great start, it is only a temporary solution to a long-term problem. There are still massive gaps in education funding that need to be filled. These gaps are especially present between students of color and white students, as well as students from high-income families and students from low income families.
Kirwan Commission Forums
The Kirwan Commission recommends policies and funding that aid in providing the best public education possible to the youth of Maryland. In accordance with their mission, Kirwan is hosting several community forums across the state to build support for the long-term funding that is required for students, educators, and communities to thrive. If you’d like to support the health of Maryland’s public education system, RSVP for one of Kirwan’s forums at this link.
Education Funding and Other Causes
While supporting the long-term viability of Maryland’s public education system is of the utmost importance, it is also important that the funding public education does receive is not at the expense of other important causes. Ensuring health care, job training, housing and other services equally significant to our community’s well-being are receiving enough funding is tremendously important.