Finance and Operations

Nonprofit Leaders Call For $1 Billion For Communities Affected by COVID-19

Nonprofit Leaders Call For $1 Billion For Communities Affected by COVID-19

At a press conference in Baltimore today, Heather Iliff, Executive Director of Maryland Nonprofits, announced that over 200 nonprofit organizations and leaders are joining to call on the state to devote at least $1 billion of the $4 billion projected budget surplus to services for families and communities affected by the Covid pandemic and its economic effects.

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Maryland Nonprofits Elects New Board Members for 2022

Maryland Nonprofits Elects New Board Members for 2022

The Maryland Nonprofits Board of Directors elected six new members at its October 29, 2021 meeting. Joining the board for three year terms beginning January 1, 2022 are Chloe Bernardi, LCSW, LCSW-C, President & CEO of Hearts & Homes for Youth, Dirk A. Butler, President and COO of the Center for Policing Equity, The Honorable David Harrington, President of the Prince George’s Chamber of Commerce, Will Pass, Chief Financial & Operating Officer at Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc., Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of ACLU Maryland and Duane Yoder, President of Garrett County Community Action.

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29 Reasons to be Grateful to Nonprofits

29 Reasons to be Grateful to Nonprofits

Maryland Nonprofits exists to serve the nonprofit community. On this Giving Tuesday, we are taking a moment to reflect on the infinite reasons we are grateful that nonprofits in Maryland do what they do and are here for it, every day.

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Una clínica, muchos resultados: nuestros trabajadores comunitarios de la salud abordan brechas en los servicios de atención médica

Una clínica, muchos resultados: nuestros trabajadores comunitarios de la salud abordan brechas en los servicios de atención médica

La conexión que tienen las escuelas primarias con los miembros de la comunidad, es un elemento esencial para entender el vínculo que existe entre albergar clínicas de vacunación en estas instituciones y lograr una gran participación de la comunidad.

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One Clinic, Many Results: Our community health workers address gaps in health care services  

One Clinic, Many Results: Our community health workers address gaps in health care services  

The link between hosting vaccine clinics at an elementary school and having a great community turnout is the eminently important connection that these institutions have with community members.

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Sign-On: Open Letter to Governor Hogan, Executive and Legislative Leaders Regarding State Budget Surplus

Sign-On: Open Letter to Governor Hogan, Executive and Legislative Leaders Regarding State Budget Surplus

Maryland Nonprofits has prepared a letter on how the state’s surplus should be allocated to the diverse communities we serve and in partnership with the nonprofit sector. Maryland Nonprofits advocates that this targeted relief include extending services and benefits that address the human service needs of individual Marylanders, families and communities that have been most burdened by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences, in addition to direct cash stimulus payments.

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A Model ARPA Grant Program from Maryland Nonprofits

A Model ARPA Grant Program from Maryland Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations can be ideal partners in helping local governments to achieve their goals in numerous policy areas. Maryland Nonprofits’ “Model Grant Program” is designed to make it easy for governments to develop and manage a grant program – even if they do...

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We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at #MANOAC21!

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at #MANOAC21!

With just four days to go, we are truly approaching the home stretch before our 2021 conference! We have prepared an amazing three-day experience for you, full of the information and resources you need to continue operating at a high level and serving your community.

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Representation Matters: Latino Population Growth Demands It

Representation Matters: Latino Population Growth Demands It

The 2020 Census demonstrated how community representation has not kept up with the rapid growth of Latinos nationwide, particularly here in the State of Maryland where we lag in every area of representation. It could be said that Latinos are almost invisible.

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La representación importa: el crecimiento poblacional de los Latinos lo exige

La representación importa: el crecimiento poblacional de los Latinos lo exige

El Censo de 2020 demostró que la representación comunitaria no ha estado a la altura del rápido crecimiento de los latinos en todo el país, particularmente en el estado de Maryland, donde nos hemos quedado rezagados en todas las áreas de representación. Se podría decir que los latinos son casi invisibles.

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